Welcome to We Create Music TV! We Create Music TV is for YOU, the music creator and entrepreneur. We explore relative music industry topics and provide practical information and resources for music creators by interviewing music producers, songwriters, artists, and industry professionals, conducting informative masterclass sessions, and sharing tools and resources to help further your music career. Our mission is to provide high quality content that educates, informs, and empowers other music innovators and entrepreneurs just like you.
We Create Music TV was created when B. Vaughan realized that he had more to offer the music community other than being a music producer. With over 20 years of experience in Corporate America and knowledge of the music industry, he knew that he could make a bigger impact in the lives of music creators by offering a platform that provides educational, informative, and impactful content to help them succeed. We Create Music TV is be the premier place for music creators to engage, learn, and grow!
B. Vaughan is a music creator, innovator, entrepreneur and owner of Magnum O.P.U.S Music & Media Group, LLC, the parent company of We Create Music TV, a growing platform for music creators, whose mission is to provide high quality content that educates, informs, and empowers music creators, innovators and entrepreneurs.