
7 Habits for Music Creators: Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

In this video, we will look at Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw and explore why it is important to take care of yourself in 4 key areas or you won’t last long and your music career will burn out fast.

7 Habits for Music Creators: Habit 6: Synergize

In this video, we will look at Habit 6: Synergize and look at how well you can play in the sandbox.

7 Habits for Music Creators: Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then To Be Understood

In this video, we will look at Habit 5: Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood and explore why developing your communication and listening skills are important in this music industry.

7 Habits for Music Creators: Habit 4: Think Win Win

In this video, we will look at Habit 4: Think Win-Win and explore how to develop the right mindset for success, and build sustainable, win-win relationships within this music business.

7 Habits for Music Creators: Private to Public Victory

In this video, we will look at the Private to Public Victory and look at how to move from mastering yourself and your music career to building and mastering key relationships which helps you develop you social currency.

7 Habits for Music Creators: Habit 3: Put First Things First

In this video, we will look at Habit 3: Put First Things First and look at how you are managing your time and eliminating distractions, and ensuring that you are focusing on your top musical priorities.

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